Grievance Mechanisms for Impacts on Society


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Item FY 2017 results FY 2018 results
Total number of complaints concerning social impact formally submitted to the Grievance Mechanisms for impacts on society
* Number of cases where formal procedures were taken
(Consolidated) 0 (Consolidated) 0
Contact point: Procurement departments and sales departments
Response and support: Corporate Compliance Department, legal and HR departments

Why is “Grievance Mechanisms for Impacts on Society” a critical issue to be addressed?
Explanation of the reason and background

At the Yokohama Rubber Group, there is a diverse range of people that work at domestic and overseas business sites, and there is also a diverse range of compliance complaints. In addition, because a broad range of activities can be perceived as anti-social behavior in business activities with suppliers depending on differences in culture and customs in that country or region, we recognize the establishment and functioning of contact points that allow for direct reports or consultations on issues such as corruption, anti-competitive practice and sexual harassment as well as abuse of authority and handle complaints to be an important issue in both in Japan and overseas.

Grievance Mechanisms policy

The following seven items are set forth in the Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines, and the same policy is followed in handling complaints.
  1. We shall respect human rights both inside and outside of the company.
  2. We shall create safe and healthy workplaces.
  3. We shall aim for harmony with the global environment.
  4. We shall provide safe and high quality products and services.
  5. We shall conduct corporate activities with high transparency and practice proper disclosure of information.
  6. We shall observe not only laws and regulations but also social norms.
  7. We shall strive for co-prosperity with local communities.

Overview of Grievance Mechanisms for impacts on society

In Japan, the Corporate Compliance Department has established a whistle-blowing system that consists of the Corporate Compliance Hotline and General Counseling Room. In addition, Compliance Officers are assigned to every division and affiliated company worldwide.
We began detailed preparation work in 2017 to address the growing need for a global internal whistleblower system covering our overseas business locations. In February 2018, we introduced our global internal whistleblower system at our regional headquarters and tire sales company in China. This system makes it possible for the Corporate Compliance Department to directly assess and respond to issues concerning competition law compliance and anti-bribery reported through the external hotline. Looking ahead, we will steadily expand this system outward from Asia. For details about the system, please see “Compliance.”
The Compliance Officers in procurement and sales departments gather complaints and inquiries from suppliers concerning business transactions through the CSR procurement contact point and other organizations.
Complaints concerning social impact are jointly resolved by the Corporate Compliance Department, Legal Department and HR departments in addition to the responsible department.

<Scope of use of the Grievance Mechanisms>

The system can be used by all executives, employees, part-time employees, temporary employees, dispatch employees, and employees of contractors that work at the Yokohama Rubber Group.

<Methods for spreading awareness of the Grievance Mechanisms>

In Japan, the system is described on the intranet that can be used within the Yokohama Rubber Group, and it clearly states that consultations and reports can be conducted either with one’s name stated or anonymously. In addition, a Compliance Card that states matters including the whistle-blowing process is distributed to all employees to inform them of the presence of contact points. Furthermore, we will enhance this system further through in-house training targeting all employees.

<Resolution process when a complaint is submitted>

  1. The Corporate Compliance Department confirms the facts related to the consultation by the whistle-blower.
  2. The necessary measures are taken in consultation with the procurement departments and sale & marketing departments.
  3. The results are directly reported to the whistle-blower if they have disclosed their name. Reminders are issued within the company as necessary if the whistle-blower is anonymous.

Monitoring of the effectiveness of the Grievance Mechanisms

At the Corporate Compliance Committee that is held quarterly with the Director responsible for compliance as the Committee Chair, reports are made, the appropriateness of response is assessed, countermeasures are implemented, and follow-up is conducted.

Vision (attainment goal) / target

A code of conduct for each business location, whistle-blowing system, and meeting bodies have been established at each business location including overseas business locations in an aim for uniform management.

Measures for vision achievement

We will continue communication through a document called the Compliance Monthly with each business location once per month.
We check the existing whistleblower hotlines together with the development of the global internal whistleblowing hotlines which the Corporate Compliance Department intends to use to directly understand and respond to competition law violations and bribery through external consultation, and we are working to improve upon any shortcomings.
As with 2017, there were no complaints concerning the impact on society for which official procedures were conducted. In 2017, we established group policies on competition laws and anti-bribery, are expanding the global internal whistleblower hotlines in Asia covering competition laws and anti-bribery.

Please see “Compliance.”
We will roll out our internal whistleblower system globally with the goal of strengthening governance worldwide ahead of 2020.
Additionally, we will create training opportunities for compliance representatives at each business location and enhance sensitivity to ensure that no issues are overlooked.