Shinshiro Plant (TP)

Shinshiro Plant

Shinshiro Plant

Business activities

Production of tires for passenger cars

Total site area

223,879 m2

Number of employees

855 (as of December 2022)


1 Furuyashiki, Noda-Aza, Shinshiro City, Aichi 441-1343, JAPAN

Contact for consultation and complaints

General Affairs Division Tel: +81-536-22-2251 Fax: +81-536-23-0353

Shinshiro-Minami Plant

Shinshiro-Minami Plant

Business activities

Production of tires for passenger cars

Total site area

110,998 m2

Number of employees

373 (as of December 2022)


10-24 Oiri, Hitokuwada-Aza, Shinshiro City, Aichi 441-1338, JAPAN

Contact for consultation and complaints

General Affairs Division Tel: +81-536-22-2251 Fax: +81-536-23-0353

Message from the General Manager

Ken Hayami

The Shinshiro Plant is located in Shinshiro City, the gateway to the nature-rich Okumikawa region. The plant manufactures passenger car tires, including the BluEarth fuel-efficient tire, an environmentally friendly product, the ADVAN flagship tire, the GEOLANDAR SUV tire, and the iceGUARD studless tire, all of which are Yokohama Rubber's flagship tires.
In 1999, we obtained ISO14001 certification, and strive to always operate our plants in consideration of the environment of both the plants and the local community, aiming for the "top level of environmental contribution" as a core plant of Yokohama Rubber.
In cooperation with the local community, we have concluded an environmental preservation agreement with Shinshiro City and operate our plants in consideration of the living environment by conducting water quality inspections of plant effluent and noise measurements in the vicinity of our plants.
In the Forever Forest activities, we have completed the tree-planting activities in and around the plant premises, and have now expanded the activities to include governments, NPOs, and other companies not only in Aichi Prefecture but also in Shizuoka and Gifu Prefectures, participating in a total of 60 events in FY2022 and providing a total of approximately 10,000 seedlings.
Since the start of tree-planting activities in 2009, the total number of seedlings planted in our plants and provided to local communities has reached about 278,000.

The plant uses a large amount of water resources in the region in the process of producing tires. The employees ask themselves, “we have received a gift from nature but what can we do for the environment?”We have continued to conduct biodiversity surveys at the water source of the Toyokawa River system as well as conducting water quality surveys at the plant's drainage outlets.
We started an activity called the "Firefly Project" to "bring back fireflies to the Intake River. The project started with the cultivation of river snails, which are food for fireflies, on the factory premises, followed by surveys of aquatic organisms and releases of river snails by employees and neighboring elementary schools.

We have created biotopes in the fallow fields of Yotsuya Senmaida, and have been actively engaged in activities to conserve endangered species in Aichi Prefecture.
In FY2022, we plan to continue our biodiversity preservation activities and continue to protect the rich nature, water resources, and organisms that live there.
In late 2022, we were able to resume social events inviting local residents to the plant, although the number of participants was limited.
We will continue our efforts to operate the plant in a way that is rooted in the local community.

Organizational Governance

Compliance education

We conduct compliance education for new employees and regular employees who join the company mid-term to raise their awareness of legal compliance, and for managers and supervisors, we educate them on how to treat their subordinates and how to lead them to comply with laws and regulations.
We also hold CSR study meetings with our business partners to reaffirm our social contribution activities and compliance with laws and regulations, thereby strengthening relationships of trust.

Human Rights

Promotion of employment of people with disabilities

As of the end of December 2022, 27 people (2.82% of the workforce) were employed.
We will continue to expand the employment of people with disabilities and enhance the selection of work and the work environment to suit their individuality.

Special-needs Classroom Teachers and People with Disabilities Held Workplace Discussion Meetings (Work experience for students is suspended after FY2020)

Labor Practices

Safety and health measures

Based on the recognition that ensuring the safety and health of employees and subcontractors is the foundation of our corporate activities, we obtained certification for OSHMS (Occupational Safety and Health Management System) conforming to the JISHA (Japan Industrial Safety and Health Association) method in December 2011 as a means of achieving a safe, healthy, and comfortable workplace. Since then, we have continued the certification.
We have been developing the following activities based on the four pillars (one-to-one dialogue, near-misses, hazard prediction, and risk assessment), which are centered on interactive communication between the work system and workers.

Education and training for employees

Safety education for employees begins with safety and health education at the time of employment, followed by one-on-one dialogues with employees by role holders, sensory training, risk assessment practical training sessions, and safety person certification and development training.

New employee hands-on safety drills

Responses in case of disaster

In response to disasters, regular disaster drills are conducted in accordance with the annual activity plan for fire and disaster prevention. During drills, a self-defense firefighting organization headquarters is set up and firefighting and rescue drills are conducted to ensure a comprehensive response. We also engage in earthquake disaster drills, BCP drills, and nighttime evacuation drills, assuming various patterns.
Emergency life-saving skills training was suspended after 2020 due to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection, but is scheduled to resume this year.

Disaster Drill at Shinshiro South Plant

The Environment

Environmental Policy of Shinshiro Plant, Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd.

The Shinshiro Plant, as the core plant of Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., will be a pioneer, aiming to become “a company having world-class strengths in technologies for protecting the environment, embodying consideration towards the environment”.

  1. By manufacturing products with heart and technology, we contribute to happiness and affluence and continue to practice “prevention of environmental pollution and sensory discomfort” and “improving the protection of the environment” by pre-emptive management, in an aim for zero environmental risks.
  2. All departments and related companies constituting Shinshiro Plant shall build up and maintain a mechanism in accordance with the environmental management system established by themselves and improve environmentally friendly management under the leadership of top management.
  3. We will deepen communications with all stakeholders that comply with the related laws, regulations, agreements and contracts, etc., and strive for regional contribution and social contribution.
  4. We will contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society by practicing energy-saving activities and promoting decarbonization measures such as the introduction of renewable energy. We will also contribute to the realization of a recycling-oriented society by promoting resource conservation and recycling.
  5. In order to realize this policy, we establish environmental objectives and targets, carry out the plan deliberately and securely promote them by visualization of the results. Also, the policy, objective and goal are subject to review on a quantitative basis, and revised as necessary.
  6. We cherish natural lives in the Shinshiro region in the Toyo River water system with rich water and strive for protection of biodiversity.
  7. In harmony and fusion with rich nature of Shinshiro-shi, “Yama-no minato” and through “Yokohama Forever Forest” activities, we aim at regional contributions and coexistence of humans and nature through planting activities and planting instruction and furnishing seedlings.
  8. We will provide thorough education and enlightenment activities so that all workers at the Shinshiro Plant can understand the policy and act accordingly.
  9. This Policy shall be published.

January 1, 2023
Ken Hayami
Plant General Manager,
Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., Shinshiro Plant

Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions

1. Active introduction of environmentally friendly high-efficiency products

In accordance with our mid- to long-term energy conservation plan, we are replacing transformers, fans/pumps, and lighting fixtures with LED fixtures and air conditioning equipment with high-efficiency equipment.
In FY2022, 14 units of 15 horsepower air conditioning equipment were replaced with CDP4.0 high-efficiency equipment. In addition, approximately 400 Hf fluorescent lamp fixtures were replaced with LED base lights.
Solar panels rated at 1,135 kW were installed on the roof of the distribution warehouse at the south factory, and construction is underway for operation starting in August 2023.
In addition, we will continue to study fuel conversion and the introduction of power generators at the South Plant in order to drastically reduce GHG emissions.
Furthermore, in FY2023, we will also consider solar power generation on the roof of the main distribution warehouse with an eye toward FY2024 and beyond.

2. Advancement of energy-saving activities

In addition to increasing the efficiency of the supply side, we are repairing leaks of steam, industrial water, and factory air on the consumption side, as well as augmenting heat insulation. 40 low-voltage operating transformers are scheduled to be upgraded to higher efficiency in FY2023.
In monthly meetings of energy conservation subcommittees where all process managers gather, we strive to share problems and introduce individual initiatives in an effort to educate the public.

Environmental data and explanations

Reductions in greenhouse gas emissions

Shinshiro Plant
Shinshiro-Minami Plant

Effective use of resources / Waste reductions

Waste output
Shinshiro Plant
Shinshiro-Minami Plant
Water usage
Shinshiro Plant

Shinshiro Plant: uses main water and draws industrial water from the Toyo River and Noda River, a branch of the Toyo River.

Shinshiro-Minami Plant

Shinshiro-Minami Plant: uses main water and draws industrial water from well water.

Measures for discharge into water, air and soil

Data related to water contamination

Shinshiro Plant: twice a month, monitors twenty items of water contamination within self-regulated targets set under the ordinances of and agreements with Aichi Prefecture and Shinshiro City.

Move the screen to the left or right to see the table information

Drain Item Regulatory values Voluntary standard values FY2022 result
Average Maximum Minimum
Drain 1 pH 5.8~8.6 6.5~8.0 7.4 7.5 7.2
BOD concentration (mg/l) 20 9.0 or less 1.8 7 0.5
COD concentration (mg/l) 20 11.0 or less 2.5 6.8 1.3
SS concentration (mg/l) 20 6.0 or less 1.4 3 1
Plant and animal oil concentration (mg/l) 10 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mineral oil concentration (mg/l) 2 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Drain 2 pH 5.8~8.6 6.5~8.0 7.6 7.7 7.4
BOD concentration (mg/l) 20 9.0 or less 2.5 7.5 0.5
COD concentration (mg/l) 20 11.0 or less 2.4 5.9 1.1
SS concentration (mg/l) 20 6.0 or less 1.1 2 1
Plant and animal oil concentration (mg/l) 10 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mineral oil concentration (mg/l) 2 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5

Shinshiro-Minami Plant: once a month, monitors twenty items of water contamination within self-regulated targets set under the ordinances and agreements with Aichi Prefecture and Shinshiro City.

Move the screen to the left or right to see the table information

Drain Item Regulatory values Voluntary standard values FY2022 result
Average Maximum Minimum
Drain 1 pH 5.8~8.6 6.5~8.0 7.4 7.7 7.2
BOD concentration (mg/l) 20 12.0 or less 5.8 9.2 0.5
COD concentration (mg/l) 20 11.0 or less 6.2 8.7 1.7
SS concentration (mg/l) 20 6.0 or less 2 3 1
Plant and animal oil concentration (mg/l) 10 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mineral oil concentration (mg/l) 2 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Drain 2 pH 5.8~8.6 6.5~8.0 7.5 7.8 7.3
BOD concentration (mg/l) 20 12.0 or less 6.1 13 0.5
COD concentration (mg/l) 20 11.0 or less 5.7 8.5 1.8
SS concentration (mg/l) 20 6.0 or less 2 4 1
Plant and animal oil concentration (mg/l) 10 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Mineral oil concentration (mg/l) 2 1.0 or less 0.5 0.5 0.5
Air pollutants (NOx, Sox)

Move the screen to the left or right to see the table information

Substance NOx emissions (t/year) SOx emissions (t/year)
Shinshiro Plant 25
Shinshiro-Minami Plant 11 3

Reporting on chemical substance management status (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR) Law compliance)

The Shinshiro Plant verifies whether secondary materials and auxiliary materials contain chemical substances subject to Safety Data Sheet (SDS) requirements, and in the case of substances where the amounts handled exceed the thresholds specified by the PRTR Law, annual reports are submitted to the national (or prefectural) authorities and safety impact assessment is performed.
Regarding the handling of substances pursuant to the PRTR Law, please refer to the Safety Evaluation Table of Domestic Production Bases.

In addition, as part of efforts to improve the level of chemical substance management, we conduct chemical substance risk assessments to identify risks of adverse effects on workers' health, explosions and ignition of facilities and equipment, and environmental risks, and confirm compliance with laws and regulations.

Move the screen to the left or right to see the table information

Shinshiro Plant

Facility Substance Regulatory values Voluntary standard values FY2022 result
Average Maximum Minimum
Boiler 1 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
Boiler 2 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
Cogeneration SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
Warm-water Boiler A Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Warm-water Boiler B Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)

Shinshiro-Minami Plant

Facility Substance Regulatory values Voluntary standard values FY2022 result
Average Maximum Minimum
High-pressure Boiler 3 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
High-pressure Boiler 4 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
High-pressure Boiler 5 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
4t Boiler 1 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3
4t Boiler 2 SOx emissions (m3N/h)
Nox (ppm)
Soot and dusts (g/m3N)
Regulations in Article 3

Fair Operating Practices

CSR activities with business partners

Two CSR briefings for suppliers were held in webinar format (Zoom). (Twice in April 2022)

Webinar content: (about 1 hour in duration)

  1. Greetings from the President ESG Management (from Yokohama Transformation 2023 (YX2023))
  2. CSR Report and CSR Guidelines
  3. Mid-term environmental plan and initiatives
  4. Business and Human Rights
  5. Workplace Safety
  6. About the Business Consultation Service
  7. Q&A (If you have any questions, please use Zoom's message function)
  • No photos of the CSR Study Session in 2022 because of the webinar format.

Consumer Issues

Communication with customers

We provide products of reliable quality to our customers through quality management based on ISO/IATF16949 certification, which is the automotive industry quality management system standard (QMS). We also introduce our quality initiatives through plant tours for Japanese and overseas automakers, dealers, and general customers. This year's event has been cancelled due to the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection.
For the current fiscal year, the meeting was held as needed while taking into consideration the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 infection.

Responses to complaints

In response to inquiries received from customers with respect to products, we quickly investigate matters and issue reports. In the event that it is determined that issues have occurred during manufacturing, we initiate quick responses and work hard to prevent any reoccurrences.

Community Involvement and Development

Yokohama Forever Forest Project

We provide tree seedlings and tree-planting guidance to the Aichi Prefecture Natural Environment Division's Shinshiro Shitara Ecosystem NW Council for satoyama-ization tree planting, tree planting in prefectural parks in Aichi and Shizuoka prefectures, and local tree planting.
The tree-planting seedlings are grown in our plant by collecting seeds from trees native to the area.

Yokohama Forever Forest Project (FY2022)

Jan 11 138 seedlings donated [Shizuoka Prefectural Forest Park]
*Red pine forest regeneration tree planting
Jun 12 8 seedlings donated to Aichi Prefectural 【Higashimikawa Furusato Park】
*Distribution of greening trees
Jan 14 3 seedlings donated to Shinshiro City Ebi [Tosenji Temple]
*Tree planting in the temple
Feb 12 20 seedlings donated to Sengen Shrine in Kanazawa-cho, Toyokawa City
*Tree planting in the precincts of the shrine
Feb 18 80 seedlings donated to Tominaga Shrine in Nagashino-cho, Shinshiro City
*Tominaga Shrine's Chinju no Mori tree-planting
Mar 1 62 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongoli (NPO)
*Tree-planting at Ghibli Park P in Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan
Mar 14 57 seedlings donated to Local residents
*Greening tree distribution
Mar 28 104 seedlings donated to (NPO) Jomon Gakko
*Tidal Barrier Forest Planting in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture
Apr 6 48 seedlings donated to Nagashino Development Committee
*Obigawa Satoyama Park tree planting
Apr 12 355 seedlings donated to Kasuga Cherry Blossom Society
*Kasugayama Park tree planting
Apr 15 47 seedlings donated to Chisato Local Land Study Group in Shinshiro City
*Park tree planting
May 3-4 1,082 seedlings donated to Higashimikawa Furusato Park in Aichi Prefecture
*Tree planting in the park
May 5 518 seedlings donated to Aichi Prefectural 【Higashimikawa Furusato Park】
*Tree planting in the park
May 12 430 seedlings donated to Kasuga Cherry Blossom Society
*Kasugayama Park tree planting
May 20 134 seedlings donated to Higashimikawa Furusato Park in Aichi Prefecture
*Tree planting in the park
May 20 14 seedlings donated to Aichi Prefectural 【Higashimikawa Furusato Park】
*Distribution of greening trees
Jun 6 469 seedlings donated to Aichi Prefectural 【Higashimikawa Furusato Park】
*Tree planting in the park
Jun 9 155 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongoli (NPO)
*Tree-planting at Ghibli Park P in Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan
Jun 9 200 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongoli (NPO)
*Nagoya Girl Scouts tree planting
Jun 9 100 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting
Jun 12 365 seedlings donated to Higashimikawa Furusato Park in Aichi Prefecture
*Tree planting in the park
Jun 19 175 seedlings donated to Aichi Prefectural 【Higashimikawa Furusato Park】
*Tree planting in the park
Jul 14 20 seedlings donated to NPO Misono Yume Mura Koshitai
*Tree-planting at the Oomurasaki Butterfly Dance Village
Aug 30 60 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Toei Town 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting
Aug 30 60 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongoli (NPO)
*Tree-planting at Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan
Sep 6 28 seedlings donated to Yoshikawa, Shinshiro city
*Tree planting at the district community center
Sep 8 33 seedlings donated to Honokuni Nature Sommelier Association
*Tree planting in Higashimikawa Furusato Park
Sep 29 100 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongoli (NPO)
*Tree-planting at Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan
Sep 29 40 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting
Oct 13 20 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Toei Town 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting
Oct 23 784 seedlings donated to Higashimikawa Furusato Park in Aichi Prefecture
*Tree planting in the park
Oct 30 77 seedlings donated to Community Center Festival at Nakamarket, Shinshiro City
*Tree planting in the Center
Oct 30 400 seedlings donated to Aichi Prefectural 【Higashimikawa Furusato Park】
*Tree planting in the park
Oct 30 490 seedlings donated to Shinshiro Shitara Ecosystem NW Council
*Biodiversity 2030 tree planting at Misono, Toei-Town in Satoyama
Nov 11 40 seedlings donated to Toei Town
*Tree planting at Ikoi no Hiroba
Nov 16 40 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Toei Town 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting
Nov 19 3 seedlings donated to Okazaki City [Ishihara Forest Road Council]
*Tree planting around the biotope
Nov 19 50 seedlings donated to Shizuoka Prefectural Forest Park
*Tree planting in the park by Shizuoka Prefecture forest supporters
Dec 3 55 seedlings donated to Shizuoka Prefectural Forest Park
*Tree planting in the park by Shizuoka Prefecture forest supporters
Dec 9 10 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Toei Town 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting
Dec 14 10 seedlings donated to Hachina Elementary School, Shinshiro City
*Wanpakuyama Tree Planting (environmental class)
Dec 26 60 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongoli (NPO)
*Tree-planting at Expo 2005 Aichi, Japan
Dec 26 20 seedlings donated to Donguri Mongori (NPO)
*Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture 【Forest of Water Source】Tree planting

Collaboration with another company, Autobacs

In cooperation with Autobacs, we provide seedlings free of charge to local residents to familiarize them with trees.

Jun 37 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
Jun 55 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyokawa Store
May 115 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
May 30 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyokawa Store
May 77 seedlings donated to Autobacs Gamagori Store
July 95 seedlings donated to Autobacs Gamagori Store
July 117 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
July 44 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyokawa Store
July 131 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
Sep 307 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
Nov 77 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
Nov 132 seedlings donated to Autobacs Toyohashi Store
Nov 1,765 seedlings donated to Autobacs Okazaki-minami Store

In FY2022, we provided 9,946 saplings for Satoyama planting and greening tree distribution, and 46 people participated in tree-planting volunteer activities on 10 occasions.

Shinshiro Shitara Network Council: Support for bus tours to experience tree planting

Shinshiro Shitara Network Council: Support for bus tours to experience tree planting

Biodiversity protection activities

Our plants use a lot of river water to produce tires. We have been asking ourselves, "Is it enough for us to just receive water resources from nature? What can we do about it? With this in mind, we started biodiversity conservation activities focusing on water in 2012, and next year will mark the 11th year since then.
As for activities in FY2022, the impact of the COVID-19 disaster has gradually faded, and the number of people involved in activities has increased.
We will continue to collaborate with the government, universities, NPOs, and other companies by interacting with the Yotsuya Senmaida Preservation Society, one of our activity sites, and participating in the Shinshiro Shitara Ecosystem Network Council promoted by Aichi Prefecture. Yokohama Rubber's Shinshiro Plant will continue to contribute to biodiversity in the Shinshiro Shitara area by providing and planting broadleaf trees and seedlings grown from local seeds through the Forever Forest activities.

Activity site>Shinshiro Plant Biotope

Activity site> Noda River (Jointly with Elementary Schools)

Activity site> Kuroda River

Activity site>Yotsuya Senmaida

Relationship with local societies

On June 29, 2022, the roundtable meeting for wardens and environmental monitors around the plant was held for the first time in three years since 2019.The meeting was held in the midst of measures to prevent the spread of infection while the spread of infection tends to subside, but we received valuable opinions and will link them to improvements at the plant.
It was also held at the Shinshiro Rally (March 2022), but due to COVID-19, this year's event was also held without spectators.