Business activities

Information-processing services

Number of employees

379 (as of April 2023)


Yokohama Office: Technowave 100 Building, 1-1-25, Shinurashima-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 221-0031, JAPAN Tel: +81-45-451-6611
Tokyo Office: Shinagawa Intercity Tower C 13th floor, 15-3 Konan 2-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-6213, JAPAN
Mishima Office: East Shizuoka Insurance Services HQ Building, 3-19-6, Omiya-cho, Mishima City, Shizuoka 411-0035, JAPAN
Makuhari Office: Fujitsu Building, 1-9-3 Nakase, Mihama-ku, Chiba 261-8588, Japan

Contact for consultation and complaints

General Affairs and Personnel Division (HQ) Tel: +81-45-451-6611 Fax: +81-45-451-0411

Message from the President

Masaki Nakamura

The Company was established in July of 1970 as a result of it being spun-off from the Information Systems Division of Yokohama Rubber.

With our advanced information technology skills, our reliability as people, and the numerous wonderful human resources that we’ve developed, the Company has transformed itself to become a trusted business partner which possesses the ability to respond to the diversified needs of customers.

Commencing with our acquisition of ISO 9001 (quality) certification in December 2002, the Company has endeavored to develop socially responsive systems. This strategy has included the acquisition of Privacy Mark certification (October 2006), and ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 27001 (information-security) certification (both February 2007), etc. Moreover, while recognizing marketing communications and product liability as the most serious issues, in that it represents the Yokohama Rubber Group CSR Management Vision, the Company aims “to build a trusted identity as a contributing member of the global community.”

Organizational Governance

Corporate governance systems

In accordance with regulations, decisions involving the entire company are decided upon both at meetings held by the Board of Directors (as needed) and at management meetings (held monthly).
Each year, in addition to formulating medium-range plans and announcing them to all employees, at the unit policy announcement meetings, the various managers announce the unit policies for each financial year.

Compliance measures

ISO/IEC 27001 Certificate

A program of e-learning is implemented to provide all employees with compliance training. The person responsible for promoting compliance confirms the status of legal compliance and reports their findings each month.
Security measures are strictly conducted in accordance with the information security management system (ISMS) certification that the Company has already acquired.
Issues are taken very seriously when they are identified through internal or external audits, etc., and we work quickly to implement responses.

Business continuity

In the event of a serious disaster, accident, or other unforeseen event, we will place the highest priority on human life, ensure the safety of our employees and their families, and take measures to minimize its impact. We will then do our utmost to continue our business, thereby earning the trust of our customers and fulfilling our corporate social responsibility.

Human Rights

Antidiscrimination measures

Concerning discriminatory behavior such as sexual harassment and workplace bullying, etc., in addition to calling attention to such issues through our compliance training, the Company is responding by the establishment of a point of contact that shall be able to offer consultations.

Health and productivity measures

We are actively working to reform the way we work under the banner of health management. We have introduced a wide range of teleworking programs, including a telecommuting system, to create a system that allows employees to work regardless of their environment.
In February 2022, we continued to receive the highest level "AAA" of the "Yokohama Health Management Certification" sponsored by the City of Yokohama, and in March 2023, we were recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry as an "Excellent Health Management Corporation 2023" for the fifth consecutive year.

Yokohama Certification for Health Management (Class AAA)

Certification as an Excellent Corporation for Health Management

Labor Practices

Promoting employee diversity

We employ 4 people with disabilities and 2 foreign nationals. Out of a total of 379 employees, 96 are women: 8 are on maternity/paternity leave and 16 are on shortened working hours for childcare.

Human resources development

Before assignment to a work site, new hires undergo group training that lasts six months.
Furthermore, technical and career-focused training is planned and implemented for all employees.

Emergency drills

Emergency drills

At the Yokohama Office, we participate in emergency drills that are jointly held twice a year with all tenants in the building. Disaster drills are also conducted at least once a year at other offices. The drills assume the occurrence of disasters such as earthquake, tsunami, or fire, and they are participated in by most employees and partner company employees regardless of whether they are engaged in meetings, training, or meetings with customers, excluding times when it is decided they will be absent in advance.
We have supplies of emergency food enough for 3 days, and the expiration dates are managed.

Occupational safety and health

In fiscal 2022, there was one commuting accident (no work-related accident), but fortunately it was not serious.
The Company is working to strengthen consciousness as to the need to create safe and healthy workplace environments. In aiming to improve the operations of various workplaces, we have implemented a “visible approach” whereby it is possible to understand the extent to which plans have been achieved. We are taking steps to improve the quality and efficiency of operations, while also working to reduce “near misses,” etc.
Furthermore, concerning the issue of employee overwork, in accordance with the “36 Agreements” regarding overtime and holiday work (which relate to Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act), in addition to reports being made to monthly corporate business meetings, etc., measures have been put in place whereby overwork cases undergo interviews with industrial physicians.
Reports concerning the status of absenteeism due to illness, etc., are also made to management meetings, and appropriate response measures are then undertaken.

The Environment

Quality, environment and information-security policies Basic philosophy

As an information services business, HAMAGOMU AICOM INC. (hereinafter “the Company”), shall fulfill its social responsibility by establishing its policies as follows, by improving the quality of its services, by reducing the burden it places on the environment, and by strengthening its information security measures.

  • The improvement of quality represents the duty of all employees. By continuously engaging in quality-improvement, customers shall be provided with high-quality software and services that exceed their expectations.
  • By working hard to provide environmentally-friendly products and services, through its business activities, the Company shall strive to protect biodiversity and to achieve the sustainable use of biological resources.
  • The Company shall implement information-security measures in accordance with information-resource risk levels, and information resources shall be managed appropriately.
    Furthermore, in the even that information-security accidents occur, the Company shall work to minimize any damage and it shall implement measures to prevent any reoccurrence.
  • The Company shall establish, operate and continuously improve comprehensive management systems that are capable of meeting quality, environment and information-security demands.
  • Aims and objectives shall be established and implemented for the purpose of improvement. Moreover, evaluations and further improvements shall be undertaken on a regular basis.
  • The Company shall act in accordance with all relevant laws and regulations, and it shall also comply with any other requirements.
  • With respect to employees and all other people engaged in the operations of the Company, they shall undergo education and training for the purposes of improving quality, protecting the environment and strengthening information-security.

In addition to informing employees and all other people engaged in the operations of the Company as to the details of these policies, the policies shall be broadly publicized in the public domain.

Environmental data

Move the screen to the left or right to see the table information

Item FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Electrical power usage KWh 85,095 81,971 78,015 71,498 75,890
Electrical power usage (values calculated in barrels of oil) KL 21.9 21.1 20.1 18.4 19.5
Greenhouse gas emissions (t-CO2) 40.6 38.5 35.9 32.1 34.5
Water usage (m3) 846 809 694 647 654
Waste generated (t) 3.3 4.3 2.7 2.8 1.9

Reductions in electrical power usage

Electricity consumption increased by 6.1% in the entire company (Yokohama Office and Mishima Office) compared to FY2021.

Reductions in paper usage

Various measures are being implemented for the purpose of reducing paper usage.
Such include reducing the volumes of paper used by the business as well as the volume of information stored in a paper format. Furthermore, reducing the amount of physical storage space can be tied to greatly reducing the volume of paper being used.

Vending machine measures (power-saving, disaster-preparedness)

Various energy-saving measures have been adopted with respect to the automatic vending machines located in the Yokohama Office.
Furthermore, so that these machines may also prove handy for the storage of provisions during times of disaster, we have developed a system of vendors as a disaster-preparedness policy.

Fair Operating Practices

Credibility with our business partners

We are building relationships of trust with customers while placing an emphasis on compliance.
Focusing on the training concerning the “Act against Delay in Payment of Subcontract Proceeds, Etc. to Subcontractors” which is being conducted by the Procurement Division, training is being conducted throughout the entire organization.

Consumer Issues

Safety and quality of our products and services

In accordance with the quality management system that was developed when ISO 9001 certification was acquired, we are working to ensure quality.
We also conduct customer surveys, etc., and these activities lead to improvements in cases where issues have been identified.
With respect to privacy issues, matters are handled in accordance with the Privacy Mark certification that the Company has acquired.

Community Involvement and Development

Relationship with local societies

As a management system activity, goals have been established with respect to the promotion of regional contribution activities, and each and every employee actively participates in regional cleanup activities and volunteer activities.
In fiscal 2022, a total of 905 people participated in some form of activity.
The HAMAGOMU AICOM INC. website can be found here. (available only in Japanese)