Medium-term management plan: Yokohama Transformation 2026 (YX2026)

Yokohama Rubber is currently implementing its Yokohama Transformation 2026 (YX2026) medium-term management plan for fiscal years 2024–2026.

Basic policy of YX2026 and financial targets

Under YX2026, Yokohama Rubber will further advance the “exploitation” of the strengths of its existing businesses and the “exploration” of new value and complete the transformation begun under YX2023, which guided the Company over the past three years (2021–2023), while being mindful to not leave any negative legacies for the next generation. Under this guiding philosophy, management will resolutely implement the growth strategies established in each business as it aims to achieve “Hockey Stick Growth” during YX2026 to fiscal 2027. Management’s targets for fiscal 2026, the final year of YX2026, are sales revenue of ¥1,250 billion, business profit of ¥150 billion, a business profit margin of 12%, and ROE of more than 10%.

■Image of "Hockey Stick Growth" and financial targets for FY2026

Hockey Stick Growth and financial targets
Yokohama Rubber upwardly revised its YX2026 financial targets in August 2024.
For more information: Timely Disclosure (217KB) FY2024 First-Half Results Briefing (1,881KB)

YX2026 presentation

Presentation materials (February 2024)

PDF (slides) PDF (slides with transcripts)

Presentation video