Community Involvement and Development
Our business activities impact the local communities where we are active in various ways. It is extremely important to communicate with local communities to ensure that their expectations are met in order to ensure sustainable business activities. In addition, we recognize that we have shared interests with the community as a stakeholder in the region, and for this reason we would like to work towards community development.
This stance is declared in the Stakeholder Policy, and the actions that should be taken by employees are stipulated in the Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines.
Local communities
As a globally active business, we relate to local communities in a number of domains - the natural environment, law, culture, customs and the economy. We will strive to build a healthy relationship for various local communities together with our both domestic and overseas offices.
Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines
We shall aspire to harmony and prosperity with local communities.
<Basic stance of the Yokohama Rubber Group>
- We shall never forget that we are members of society, and shall endeavor to exist harmoniously and prosper together with society as well as to build ties of trust with stakeholders.
- We shall support the social contribution activities of our employees and breed a corporate culture oriented toward active participation by them in such activities.
- We shall practice proper provision of information on business activities involving the community.
<To put our basic stance into practice — our action>
Our activities of social contribution shall not be confined to those through our business activities; we shall also take a proactive part in volunteer programs and social activities rooted in the local community.
Message from a manager
We recognize that aiming for harmony with local communities where we conduct business is of the utmost importance, in order to achieve both social trust and business management, and to provide sustainable value as a global company.
In fiscal 2020, due to the spread of the COVID-19, contact with people was restricted and various activities had to be cancelled or postponed.
Even in such an environment, we have continued our activities with ingenuity, for example, to have a "Biodiversity Panel Discussion" using Webinar to communicate with local residents.
In addition, as part of our support for disaster affected areas, we made donations to the affected areas in Japan and provided relief supplies such as water and food to local residents overseas.
In fiscal 2020, the YOKOHAMA Magokoro (Sincere Heart) Fund a social contribution fund established by employees, provided support to three organizations active in fields such as environmental protection and social welfare, as well as three donations for disaster relief and medical support for the fight against the COVID-19.
After the COVID-19 is under control, we will participate as volunteers in activities such as supporting disaster affected areas or conducting environmental conservation activities, and we will continue to work together with local communities to identify and resolve social issues and problems.
We will continue to strive to become a company and office that realizes our CSR slogan, "Caring for the Future”.
Yosuke Todaka,
General Manager, CSR Planning Department, CSR Division
Vision for FY 2023
- Building a trusted identity together with local communities
To achieve this, we will use various forms of engagement and focus on issues and development in the local communities. - A worldwide system is in place to apply what stake holders have to say.
- The total number of trees planted and saplings provided in Japan and overseas reached 1.15 million.
Community Involvement and Development grievance mechanisms
As a general rule, we hold meetings with local residents twice a year for the purpose of community communication, but from the perspective of preventing the spread of the COVID-19, we basically stopped holding these meetings.
There were no complaints regarding social impact to the formal grievance mechanism. Each of our sites has established a consultation services to receive feedback from the local community. We have also set up an inquiry form on our corporate website. (
Main action items to be addressed first
The following items have been established as the main action items that the Yokohama Rubber Group will address first, taking into account the level of impact of business activities and the level of social interest.