Management Foundation
The Yokohama Rubber Group has launched its new medium-term management plan, Yokohama Transformation 2023 (YX2023), which will guide the group during the three years from fiscal 2021 through fiscal 2023.
Human Resources Strategy
Personnel management to realize further growth
We will reform our personnel management system so that it will better support our effort to achieve further growth.
In addition to expanding in-house training programs, we will strengthen our management corps by promoting mid-career hiring, the early advancement of capable employees, and assignments for employees of Group companies, and continued opportunities for senior-age staff.
Speed up decision-making by merging head office and Hiratsuka plant
To create an organization that can respond more flexibly to the dynamic changes in our operating environment, we are planning to merge our Shimbashi head office with the Hiratsuka factory. This merger will facilitate speedier decision-making by bringing together production, sales, R&D and logistics staff together under one roof.
Work-style reforms
The merger also will facilitate our continued efforts to promote work-style reforms. By removing place and time constraints, we will make greater use of work-at-home and flexible working hours. The work-style reforms will improve employees’ worklife balance, realize more active participation and career development of women in the child-bearing and child-rearing age group, and reduce staff turnover caused by the need to care for children or elderly parents or by a spouse's transfer or job change.
ESG initiatives
Our ESG initiatives are conducted in line with our slogan of “Caring for the Future.”
ESG: Environment-related efforts
Here at Yokohama Rubber, we have been striving to provide more environmentfriendly products for many years now. Looking ahead, the move toward more environmentally conscious products will only grow stronger. In the automobile market, we expect the shift to electric vehicles to accelerate. In response, we will continue to our efforts to provide environmentally friendly products, such as lightweight tires and hydrogen-filling hoses, that will help lighten the automobile’s impact on the environment.
Hydrogen filling hose
Ultra-lightweight concept tire
Earth’s Environment
1) Carbon neutrality
We aim to be carbon neutral and will continue to expand our use of renewable energy and promote energy-efficient operations at all our plants and offices.
2) Circular Economy
We will contribute to a circular economy by increasing our use of renewable fuels and recyclable materials to more than 30% of all material inputs by 2030.
Solar power generation
3) YOKOHAMA Forever Forest
We will continue the YOKOHAMA Forest Forever tree-planting program. Launched in 2007, the program has planted trees at 14 of our locations in Japan and 21 overseas locations in eight countries. We are targeting reaching a total of 1,060,000 trees and seedlings planted by the end of 2023.
■Estimated amount of CO2 absorbed by Forever Forest planted trees
ESG: Addressing social issues
Support for regional societies
In addition to the activities of the YOKOHAMA Magokoro Fund established by our employees in 2016, we will continue to fulfill our responsibilities as a good corporate citizen through various activities rooted in the many local communities where we work and live.
Main social contribution activities from September 2020 to February 2021
1) Donations to support COVID-19 measures
In 2020, the Fund donated funds to support COVID-19 measures and donated medical masks and disinfectants to Asahikawa City in Hokkaido, which is home to our winter tire test site.
2) Support for disaster area
The Fund made a donation to the Japan Red Cross Society to support its relief efforts for victims of a major earthquake with epicenter off the coast of Fukushima Prefecture, occurred in February 2021.
■YOKOHAMA Magokoro Fund mechanism
ESG: Governance & People
Corporate Governance
We have decided to use share buybacks when unwinding strategic cross-shareholdings as part of our effort to raise shareholder value.
Global Governance
We will practice group governance to increase our oversight of subsidiaries and strengthen global management by extending the use of our whistleblowing system to overseas bases.
Creating employee-friendly work environment
1) Promote diversity
We are taking concrete action to create an environment in which all kinds of employees will be comfortable. For example, we set up a working group to promote diversity and have held LGBT seminars for managers.
2) Workplace where employees feel safe and secure (repeat risk assessments to realize accident-free workplaces)
We will ensure that our plants are places where employees can work safely and with peace of mind by conducting regular risk assessments and accident prevention drills.
LGBT seminar for managers
Workplace accident prevention drills
ESG activities recognized as meeting the highest global standards
Our ESG activities have been highly evaluated, as indicated by the inclusion of our stock in the FTSE4Good Index Series, a global ESG investment index, for 16 consecutive years. Going forward, we will continue to contribute to society through ESG-related activities.