Disclosure Policy and Disclaimers
Last Updated: August 9, 2018
Information Disclosure Standards
In this IR website, the Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., discloses information in accordance with the “Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities” stipulated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "Timely Disclosure Rules"). To the extent possible, the Company also will proactively and fairly disclose information that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules but is deemed to meet the needs of investors, analysts and the media, such as the contents of presentations at quarterly results briefings.
Information Disclosure Methods
Information that falls under the Timely Disclosure Rules will be posted on the TDnet website operated by the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Company Announcements Disclosure Service and sent to other media outlets. In addition, the information will be available on the Company’s IR and press release websites.
Regarding information that does not fall under the Timely Disclosure Rules, the Company aims to use appropriate methods to communicate the information as accurately and fairly as possible. Please understand that timing of the posting of information on this IR site may be delayed owing to the time required to prepare PDF files and other materials.
Quiet Period
To prevent leaks of results and other financial information and ensure fair disclosures, the Company observes a "quiet period” from the day following the last day of a fiscal period until announcement of the results for the period. During this quiet period, the Company refrains from replying to queries about its financial results or otherwise commenting on the Company’s business results. However, timely disclosures will be made as appropriate during the quiet period if the results are expected to deviate significantly from previous forecasts. In addition, the Company will respond to queries about previously disclosed information during the quiet period.
Forward-looking Statements
Information posted on this IR website other than historical facts and data includes forecasts and strategies based on certain assumptions and reflect the judgement of the Company’s management based on currently available information. Actual results may differ significantly from these forecasts and plans owing to various risks and uncertainties inherent in the economic and market environments.
Accordingly, the information on this website should not be relied upon in isolation when making investment or other decisions.
Investment Decisions
The information on this IR website is not intended as a solicitation or recommendation to buy or sell shares of the Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd. All investment decisions should be made at the discretion of the reader.
Other Consideration Points
- The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., does not assume any responsibility for losses or damages resulting from the use of this IR website, regardless of the reasons, including from the use of posted information, incorrect or inaccurate data, or problems that occur when downloading information from the site.
- Although this IR website includes links to websites operated by other companies, the Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the information posted on linked websites.
- The contents of this IR website are protected by copyright law, and their unauthorized reproduction, reorganization, translation, distribution, display or other use beyond the scope permitted by the copyright law is strictly forbidden.
- Please be advised that the Company may revise or remove contents from this IR website without prior notification.