News Release

Yokohama Rubber issues “Integrated Report 2024”


  • Management relation
  • Sustainability relation

Hiratsuka, Japan—The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., announced today that it posted the English-language version of its “Integrated Report 2024” on the Company’s English Sustainability website. The report includes a comprehensive presentation of Yokohama Rubber’s management strategies and business activities.

“Integrated Report 2024” on Yokohama Rubber’s “Sustainability” website

Under Yokohama Transformation 2026 (YX2026), the Company’s medium-term plan for fiscal years 2024–2026, Yokohama Rubber is implementing initiatives that integrate sustainability activities into its business strategies. Accordingly, the Company is accelerating business activities that will lead to sustainable enhancement of its corporate value while contributing to local communities and the resolution of social issues.

To facilitate the stakeholders’ proper understanding of a comprehensive presentation of Yokohama Rubber’s management strategies and business activities, in 2022 Yokohama Rubber began publishing an integrated report that includes a well-organized presentation of such key financial information as management strategies and business performance as well as important non-financial information regarding the Company’s social, environmental, human resources, and corporate governance policies and activities. Referencing the International Integrated Reporting Framework advocated by the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation and the Japan Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation, the report’s structure and contents place an emphasis on the perspectives of all Yokohama Rubber stakeholders.

Incorporating feedback received from stakeholders about the 2023 report, “Integrated Report 2024” includes detailed information on the Company’s financial and non-financial initiatives in order to facilitate and deepen readers’ understanding of the business model and the Yokohama Rubber Group “Value Creation Story” that are the basis for those initiatives aimed at achieving the goals of YX2026 and the sustainable growth of the Group.

The Yokohama Rubber Group looks forward to communicating with stakeholders through various opportunities and will continue to proactively provide fair and transparent information disclosures through various methods, such as the recently released “Integrated Report 2024.”

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“Integrated Report 2024” cover

“Integrated Report 2024” cover

“Integrated Report 2024” contents

Driving Forces Behind “Exploitation” and “Exploration”

Corporate Philosophy; Contributing to the Solution of Social Issues by Supporting Mobility; Message from the CEO; Message from the COO; Message from the Co-COO; Pioneering History and Changes in Our Business Portfolio; At a Glance; Brands Supporting Yokohama Rubber’s “Exploitation” and “Exploration”; Yokohama Rubber’s Strengths; Financial & Non-Financial Highlights; Value Creation Process; Value Co-Creation with Stakeholders by Capital

Strategies for Realizing Our Vision

Risks and Opportunities & Materiality; Looking Back on Past Medium-term Management Plans; New Medium-term Management Plan Yokohama Transformation 2026 (YX2026);  Tire Business (Consumer Tires); Tire Business (Commercial Tires); Multiple Business (MB); Other Business (PRGR Business); Financial Strategy and Shareholder Return Policy; Research & Development/Intellectual Property Strategy; Special Feature: A Roundtable Discussion between Our COO and Young Engineers; Production & Quality; Motorsports Activities; Yokohama Rubber’s Sustainability; Human Resources Strategy; Occupational Safety and Health; Environment -Contribution to a Decarbonized Society and Circular Economy; Environment -Coexistence with Nature; Disclosure Based on the TCFD and TNFD Frameworks; Sustainable Natural Rubber Procurement; Supply Chain Management; Respect for Human Rights

Strengthening Management Resilience

Dialogue Between Outside Directors; Corporate Governance; Risk Management; Compliance; Senior Management


11-year Key Financial and Non-Financial Data; Financial Section; Glossary; News Release and Timely Disclosure on Progress of YX2026; Corporate Information; Share Information