Yokohama Rubber's materiality

Medium- to long-term

Strengthening of laws and regulations on antitrust, bribery, price cartels, export control, etc.

Medium- to long-term

Decrease in credibility and brand value due to cyberattacks or leakage of confidential information

Medium- to long-term

Lack of human resources with knowledge and skills pertaining to sustainability, including climate change, environmental issues related to biodiversity conservation, human capital, and human rights in the supply chain

Medium- to long-term

Decrease in corporate value due to failure to address sustainability issues

Medium- to long-term

Increase in management resilience and corporate value by addressing sustainability issues

What we aim to do

  • Strengthen stakeholder engagement
  • Strengthen governance of sustainability issues

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KPI Targets Achievements Evaluation
Number of sustainability-related issues reported to and discussed by the Board of Directors 4 per year (quarterly) or more

In 2024, we reviewed our materiality, KPIs, and targets.
We will report on our results and evaluation for fiscal 2024 in fiscal 2025.