Yokohama Rubber's materiality

Short- to medium-term

Reduction in labor forces due to occupational accidents, natural disasters, infectious diseases, etc.

Short- to medium-term

Work absences due to poor mental health, lost productivity due to decreased satisfaction

Short- to medium-term

Violations of employee human rights, including long working hours, living wages, and freedom

Medium- to long-term

Creation of innovation and improvement to productivity with the recruitment and development of diverse human resources and their active roles

What we aim to do

  • Foster diversity and inclusion
  • Create innovation and increase productivity through employee development
  • Develop safe and healthy work environments
  • Respect the human rights of employees

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KPI Targets Achievements Evaluation
① Ratio of female managers (section manager or higher) filled by women (non-consolidated) FY2026: 5%
FY2030: 10%
② Ratio of male employees taking childcare leave(non-consolidated) FY2026: 100%
FY2030: 100% (expansion of acquisition period)
③ Ratio of employees with continued employment after reaching 65 years old (non-consolidated) FY2024 to FY2026: period average of 65% or more
FY2027 to FY2030: period average of 70% or more
④ Ratio of participation in skill development training
・Ratio of participation in management education programs including MBA courses (non-consolidated)
・Ratio of participation in education programs for DX leader development (non-consolidated)
・15% of department managers (cumulative)
・10% of office and technical employees (cumulative)
⑤ Employee engagement score (non-consolidated) Conduct ongoing employee engagement surveys starting from FY2024 and set targets by FY2026
  • Percentage of administrative, technical and skilled employees who reached the age of 65 and were employed by the company or its subsidiaries after the age of 65.

In 2024, we reviewed our materiality, KPIs, and targets.
We will report on our results and evaluation for fiscal 2024 in fiscal 2025.