Yokohama Rubber's materiality

Medium- to long-term

Negative impact on biodiversity due to destruction of forests and other environments in natural rubber plantations

Medium- to long-term

Intensification of disasters due to climate change caused by suppliers’ GHG emissions

Medium- to long-term

Local residents adversely affected due to air pollution and climate change, health hazards, and impacts on regional climate change

Medium- to long-term

Health hazards of local residents and impacts on biodiversity due to improper handling of water resources and waste

Medium- to long-term

Reduction in energy costs by improving the efficiency of manufacturing processes

Medium- to long-term

Reduction in risk of resource price fluctuations and increase in operational efficiency with reuse and recycling

Medium- to long-term

Reduction in environmental conservation costs

What we aim to do

  • Promote nature positive-oriented initiatives
  • Strengthen environmental management

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KPI Targets Achievements Evaluation
① Number of trees planted and saplings provided as part of “YOKOHAMA Forever Forest” activities FY2030: 1.5 cumulative million trees planted and saplings supplied
② Number of business sites certified as “Nationally Certified Sustainably Managed Natural Sites“ (Japanese OECM) by the Ministry of the Environment FY2026: 5 cumulative sites
③ Number of serious environmental incidents (air, water, soil) Continue with 0 cases

In 2024, we reviewed our materiality, KPIs, and targets.
We will report on our results and evaluation for fiscal 2024 in fiscal 2025.