Yokohama Rubber's materiality

Medium- to long-term

Decline in product demand due to changing customer needs, such as a drop in the number of owners of private cars with the uptake of MaaS

Medium- to long-term

Risk of accidents and lawsuits due to poor product safety, recalls and damage to brand value

Medium- to long-term

More stringent performance, cost and other requirements

Short- to medium-term

Decrease in business performance due to the failure to adapt to changes

Medium- to long-term

Responding to changing customer needs and stricter regulations at an early stage

Medium- to long-term

Secure new business opportunities through adapting to CASE and MaaS

What we aim to do

  • Achieve a safe and comfortable mobility society through improved quality and performance based on proprietary technologies
  • Contribute to economic and social development by providing high value-added off-highway tires
  • Improve customer convenience and efficiency through DX-based services

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KPI Targets Achievements Evaluation
①Number of products with E+ mark (for tires specifically suited for electric vehicles) FY2026: 10 products
②Number of tire sizes that meet VF (Very High Flexion) and PFO (Pressure Field Operation) standards FY2026: total of 384 sizes
③Number of uses of tire management/maintenance services (T.M.S.) applying DX (number of vehicles registered/number of tires inspected) FY2026: 50,000 vehicles registered
450,000 tires inspected annually
  • Tire specifications that allow for low-pressure driving to minimize the impact on crop roots

In 2024, we reviewed our materiality, KPIs, and targets.
We will report on our results and evaluation for fiscal 2024 in fiscal 2025.