Yokohama Rubber believes that considering the sustainability of society and companies in decision making and execution is important in order to achieve the Corporate Philosophy of “To enrich people’s lives and contribute to their greater happiness and well-being by devoting our wholehearted energies and advanced technology to the creation of beneficial products.” In addition, Yokohama Rubber makes various efforts based on appropriate corporate governance when addressing the core issues of human rights, labor practices, the environment, fair business practices, consumer issues, and community participation and community development.
Along with this policy, the actions that should be taken by employees are stipulated in the Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines.
Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines
We shall conduct corporate activities with a high degree of transparency and practice proper disclosure of information.
Basic stance of the Yokohama Rubber Group
- We shall conduct corporate activities with a high degree of transparency, in keeping with our Corporate Philosophy.
- We shall make effective use of our corporate assets and heighten our corporate value.
- We shall make systemic arrangements for ever-vigilant monitoring of risks surrounding the Yokohama Rubber Group, deal promptly with such risks, and constantly review these arrangements.
- We shall establish standards for business processing and see that they are rigorously applied for correct performance of such processing.
- We shall practice timely and appropriate disclosure of information on our business results, financial position, and business activities to our stakeholders, and engage in open and fair communication with them.
Putting our basic stance into practice – our action
- We shall treasure the tangible and intangible assets of the Yokohama Rubber Group, including our reputation and brand, and strive to heighten our corporate value.
- We shall exclude any and all ties with anti-social forces.
- We shall be on guard against risks in our midst that could lead to disasters, scandals, and accidents, and deal promptly and appropriately with any related occurrences.
- We shall obtain personal information on our customers, third parties, our employees, and other persons as well as confidential information on our customers and third parties, only by legitimate methods. In addition, we shall strictly manage any such information, utilize it only within proper scope, and carefully protect it.
- We shall properly manage exports in accordance with the laws and regulations in the host countries and regions.
- We realize that the pool of information acquired through our work includes some important undisclosed information otherwise known internally or only within the other organization. We shall properly manage all such information. We shall not engage in any buying or selling of stock etc. using such inside information.
Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines
Yokohama Rubber Group Competition Law Compliance Policy and Anti-corruption Policy
In accordance with the Yokohama Rubber Group Action Guidelines, we implement employee education to ensure that employees are familiar with and comply with these Policies, and we also implement related management and supervision.
Competition Law Compliance Policy (formulated in July 2017) Anti-corruption Policy (formulated in July 2017)Yokohama Rubber Group Tax Policy
Message from a manager
With the aim of having our management continue to maintain unshakeable credibility, Yokohama Rubber Group is making every effort to fortify and improve the support system needed to establish corporate governance that can realize management with transparency and fairness under our Corporate Philosophy.
At the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in March 2022, a total of 11 directors were elected: six internal directors, including women and foreign directors, and five external directors.
In addition, officer personnel and remuneration matters are discussed by the Personnel and Remuneration Committee for Corporate Officers, of which two of three members are Outside Officers, and decided on by the Board of Directors to ensure transparency and fairness. In order to strengthening the compliance structure, a whistle-blowing system has been introduced in which responsible officers have been assigned to overseas business locations and the status of issues such as labor issues is confirmed every month.
We will strengthen the transparency and fairness of governance and risk management through these measures.
Gouta Matsuo, Head of Corporate Administration Division
Vision for FY2023
We will practice group governance to increase our oversight of subsidiaries and strengthen global management by extending the use of our whistleblowing system to overseas bases.
Main action items to be addressed first
The following items have been established as the main action items that the Yokohama Rubber Group will address first in consideration of the level of impact of business activities and the level of social interest.