
An easy-to-understand introduction to Yokohama Rubber for individual investors.

We are strengthening our sustainability efforts in order to "become a company that contributes to the earth and earns the unwavering trust of society."

Selected as constituent stock in ESG stock indices

Yokohama Rubber has been included in the FTSE4Good Index Series, a global ESG stock index, for 18 straight years and the FTSE Blossom Japan Index for six straight years. In addition, our stock was selected for inclusion in the new FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index in 2022.

FTSE Blossom Japan

Our environmental measures have won high praise from international NPO

Yokohama Rubber was named to the 2023 Climate Change A List established by CDP, a global environmental impact non-profit organization that aims to promote the realization of a sustainable economy. Yokohama Rubber has now been included in this prestigious list five times.


Proactively disclosing information related to climate change and biodiversity

In 2022, Yokohama Rubber announced its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and in 2023 the Company joined the TNFD Forum, a global gathering of institutions that are aligned with the mission and principles of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD). We are proactively disclosing information related to our efforts to address climate change and biodiversity as we seek to contribute to a sustainable society while achieving sustainable corporate growth.


Contributing to the procurement of sustainable natural rubber

The Yokohama Rubber Group is a founding member of the Global Platform for Sustainable Natural Rubber (GPSNR). In addition, in line with our own “Procurement Policy for Sustainable Natural Rubber,” we support natural rubber farmers in cooperation with Thailand's Natural Rubber Corporation, conduct joint research with universities, and conduct supplier exchange meetings.

Survey of natural rubber plantation in Surat Thani, Thailand

Survey of natural rubber plantation in Surat Thani, Thailand

Examples of our activities/efforts

● Developing synthetic rubber using biomass

As part of our efforts to achieve carbon neutrality, we are participating in an industry-academia collaboration developing a technology to produce butadiene and isoprene, the core raw materials used in synthetic rubber, from biomass rather than petroleum.

Yokohama Landmarks in Deriving Synthetic Rubber from Biomass

Yokohama Landmarks in Deriving Synthetic Rubber from Biomass

● Developing racing tires made from sustainable materials

Yokohama Rubber serves as the supplier of control tires for the Japanese SUPER FORMULA Championship series, and from 2023 we are providing racing tires with a 33% sustainable material content. We are developing tires made from various natural materials, including rice husks and naturally derived oil, as well as recycled rubber, as we aim to supply tires with a sustainable material content of 35% or more by 2025.

Sustainable racing tire
Racing cars

● Promoting tree-planting activities around the world

Under the Yokohama Forever Forest Activities initiative, we have been planting trees at 14 sites in Japan and 21 sites in 8 countries overseas since 2007. We continue to promote these activities as we aim to achieve our goal of either planting or providing saplings for a total of 1.3 million trees by 2030.

Scenes from our tree-planting festivals
Scenes from our tree-planting festivals

Scenes from our tree-planting festivals

● Fund to support social contribution and disaster recovery activities established by Yokohama Rubber employees

The YOKOHAMA Magokoro (Sincere Heart) Fund was established in 2016 to fund social contribution activities through voluntary contributions from Yokohama Rubber employees. In addition to donations to support disaster relief efforts, the fund has made contributions to organizations involved in environmental protection activities and support for needy children.

YOKOHAMA Magokoro Fund mechanism
YOKOHAMA Magokoro Fund mechanism