ISO26000 Compliance Activity Report

The Yokohama Rubber Group selected priority issues for each group of stakeholders.
In this section, we report on the priority items identified according to ISO 26000 and our progress toward achieving them, as well as the data requested for disclosure.
On our CSR Website, we describe backgrounds regarding the importance of each priority, our goals, our aspirations, the FY 2016 activity report, the challenges we faced, and future measures.

*1 ISO 26000:
A set of guidelines created by the International Standards Organization (ISO) on the social responsibilities of companies and other organizations.

[Self-evaluation code]
○ = Achieved or improved △= Unachieved or unchanged ×= Deteriorated

Organizational Governance

  • The global environment
  • Local community
  • Customers
  • Stockholders and investors
  • Partners
  • Employees
Our Goals
  • Continuous improvement of corporate value and an identity that is trusted by all stakeholders.
Accomplishments Self-assessment
Economic performance

Allocation of economic value (non-consolidated)


Training participants rate (non-consolidated)*among eligible employees

Target for FY2017
At least 90% of employees to have undergone training

Whistle-blowers (consolidated)*Does not include non-anonymous consultations

*2 Stakeholder:
The individuals, groups and concerned interests with a stake in the activities of a company or any other organization.

*3 Compliance:
The act of abiding by laws, regulations, and social norms.

Human Rights

  • Partners
  • Employees
Our Goals
  • Respecting human rights both internally and externally; no child labour or forced labour in our group or by our partners; sincerely responding to and improving complaints on human rights
Accomplishments Self-assessment
Child labour / forced or compulsory labour

Number of jobs identified as suspected child labour or forced labour (consolidated)

Target for FY2017
0 cases

Human rights grievance mechanisms

Official number of complaints to the Grievance Mechanisms (consolidated)*No. of complaints received through official channels

Target for FY2017
0 cases

Labour Practices

  • Partners
  • Employees
Our Goals
  • To be an organization that allows people of diverse ages, genders, and nationalities to demonstrate their maximum capabilities
  • Establishing a zero-hazard culture of safety by promoting physical and mental health
Accomplishments Self-assessment
Occupational safety and health

Lost worktime rate (consolidated)*per 1 million hours

*Internal target not reached

Training and education programs

Time for education and training (non-consolidated)

Diversity and equal opportunity

Female employment rate for main career track (non-consolidated)*Cf. rate of female employees (consolidated): 12.8%

The Environment

  • The global environment
Our Goals
  • To make all of our products environmentally-friendly
  • To reduce the total amount of GHG emissions (to 50% less than 2005 levels across the value chain)
  • To promote the efficient use of water resources according to the characteristics of water risks
  • To develop biodiversity conservation activities at production sites
Accomplishments Self-assessment

Total amount of materials used (consolidated)


Water intake (consolidated)

*Due to the expansion of the scope of calculation
Products and services

Environmentally-friendly product rate among all of our products (consolidated)

Target for FY2017

Biodiversity conservation

Implementation rate of conservation activities at production sites (consolidated)*Scope of estimation has been adjusted


Total consumption (consolidated)

Air emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions (consolidated)

Environmental grievance mechanisms

Official number of complaints to the Grievance Mechanisms (consolidated)*No. of complaints received through official channels

Target for FY2017
0 cases

*4 Value chain:
The overall series of activities or stakeholders providing or receiving value in the form of products or services.

Fair Operating Practices

  • Partners
Our Goals
  • CSR activities in collaboration with our partners
Accomplishments Self-assessment
Partner assessment for environment, human rights, labour practices and social impacts

Percentage of partners that we started working with after impact assessments (consolidated)

Target for FY2017

Partners’ compliance complaint (Grievance mechanisms for impacts on society)

Official numbers of complaints to the grievance mechanisms (consolidated)*No. of complaints received through official channels

Target for FY2017
0 cases

Participating companies in our CSR workshops for partners

Number of participating companies/participation rate (non-consolidated)*Small and medium size companies with which we have a stable amount of business

Target for FY2017
90% or higher

Consumer Issues

  • Customers
Our Goals
  • Achievement and maintenance of zero violations of regulations and voluntary codes concerning usage of our products and services
Accomplishments Self-assessment
Safety and health for our customers, labeling compliance of our products and services

Number of violations of regulations or voluntary codes concerning product safety, labeling, and provision of product usage information (consolidated)

*There was an incident of non-compliance with golf club rules, which was attributable to Yokohama Rubber.

Target for FY2017
0 cases

Community Involvement and Development

  • Local society
Our Goals
  • Making contributions to local community development by engaging with the community, with a focus on the Forever Forest Project (a 500,000 tree-planting project)
Accomplishments Self-assessment
Local communities

Implementation rates of community activities and dialogues at production sites (consolidated)

Target for FY2017

Promotion of the Forever Forest Project

Number of trees planted in a year (cumulative) / Target achievement rate

Target for FY2017
500,000 trees

Market presence

Percentages of sites which pay salaries higher than minimum wage (consolidated)

Target for FY2017